Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Confirmation Of Ghosts

My fiance of many years became very spiritual years ago and became a firm believer of life after death, angels, reincarnation and ghosts.   What I didn't know is that he was still looking for "confirmation" of his new beliefs.  

We  vacationed at the same hotel for years.  We went the same two - three weeks in the summer.  We knew most of the guests because they too came every year, so it was like a big reunion and a lot of fun.  One day we had an argument and he was still angry and not speaking to me when it was time to go to bed.  Our hotel room had two double beds.  So, instead of getting into the bed where I was sleeping, he pulled down the covers on the bed next to me and climbed in.  You have to understand, I do NOT like going to bed angry.  I like to end the fight and I NEVER like to sleep apart.  He, on the other hand, was asleep and snoring within 10  minutes.  I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted him back in my bed and I wanted him to stop snoring.  I couldn't reach him to give the usual slight nudge to make him stop snoring, so what was I to do?  I took my water bottle that had a small amount of water left in it and WHACK....I quickly jerked the water bottle so that the remaining water flung out and it landed right in his face!  NOW I was SCARED!  I quickly put the water bottle back down on the end table between us and layed still....pretending to be asleep.  Of course he woke up immediately and this is how the conversation goes:
Him:   ( in a VERY soft voice)  "What the hell?   What the hell?"  He calls to me...I still pretend I'm sleeping.  He continues to speak in a soft voice.....What the hell?  He calls me again....louder!!!   
ME:  What?
HIM:  I'm all wet!
ME:  What do you mean?
HIM:  I'm all wet!  Look! (as he turns the light on)
ME:  Oh, you probably wet the bed!   (LOL)  now you'd think that alone would give him a clue I'm in on this :)
HIM:  No, really, look....there's water all over me and the sheets!
ME:  There is probably a leak in the ceiling
HIM:  NO....LOOK....there is no leak (his voice getting more and more excited)
ME:  Go to sleep, it's your imagination  (I'm scared shitless at this point)
HIM:  CONFIRMATION!!!   This is what I've been waiting for all these years! It's confirmation .  It was a ghost!
ME:   WHAT? it goes....the fight is officially over and he is now back in my bed!  I won that battle, but now I am really scared.  If he finds out what happened he will be angry for a very long time!
HIM:  (opens the hotel door and sees one of our friends)
HIM:  (says to friend).....I was visited last night by a ghost!
HIM:  I was visited by a ghost last night.  I was sleeping and all of a sudden I woke up and was all wet!
FRIEND:  It was probably .....(she says MY name!)
HIM:  NO....she was asleep!  I'm telling you, it was a ghost!
FRIEND:  OK...(as she continues to walk to get a chair by the pool)
HIM:  (to another friend)....I was visited by a ghost last night!
HIM:  (same repeat of the story)
2nd FRIEND:  OK (looks away like he's nuts)
HIM: (as he is determined to get to the bottom of it...he goes to the front desk, says to the manager.....)     Have there even been reports of a ghost in the room I'm staying in?
HIM:  I was visited by a ghost last night....I woke up all wet!
MANAGER:  WHAT?  No, no reports of ghosts!

He continued to talk about this to anyone who would listen....for DAYS and WEEKS he repeated this story, even when we got home!!   Now for sure I can't tell him the truth....this stuff is "divorce material" as my uncle would say!

Finally about 1 YEAR later....... he brought up the subject AGAIN!!!   This time though, I did confess.  Although I was scared to do so,  I felt I couldn't let this continue.  I had no idea he STILL had this on his mind!  The outcome?  He was soooooooo disappointed to hear it was me and not a ghost.  Luckily for me, enough time had passed that he wasn't mad at the fact I threw water on him, he was more upset to think he did not have his confirmation!   

1 comment:

  1. Very funny! It cracks me up that he connects water with ghosts. Huh? Did I miss something?
    Oh, I get it. He was baptized in the spirit!!
    I wonder, as a boy, if your ghost hunter woke up wet one morning and realized this was confirmation of another kind ...
    Baptism, confirmation, what a good Catholic!! I bet the ghost of John Paul II is watching over him!!
