Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why Bother Wearing Latex Gloves

People in the food industry wear latex gloves to protect whom?   Certainly not you as a consumer.   The guy behind the popcorn cart, wearing "sanitary" gloves while bagging the popcorn for the consumer, then takes our money when we purchased a bag, gives us the proper change and resumes putting his same gloved hands back into the tub of loose popcorn to continue bagging.  To make matters worse, just as we were about to walk away from the cart with our bagged popcorn, my fiance sticks his own hand into the tub of loose popcorn and helped himself to a few pieces of popped corn!  HELLO?  Who does that? I walked away very embarassed, he walked away explaining he had just washed his hands and the guy behind the counter continued to bag that popcorn to sell to the public!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, and lets install a full frontal plexi glass around the cart so no one can go by and "dig in" with their bare hands. Grant it, I doubt many people do that, but obviously SOME do!
