Friday, December 2, 2011


Mid morning I boiled 2 eggs so that they would be cooled by lunch time so I could make an egg salad sandwich.  My "better half" told me the timer was going off, so he removed the pot with the two eggs and left them in the pot, in the sink, and filled it with cold water.  "THANKS!", I said, as I was happily surprised.  I ran out to do an errand and upon my return I see 1 egg in the pot along with old coffee grinds, soap bubbles and other miscellaneous debris that were thrown in the sink and landed in the pot with my egg!  I inquire to him, "What happened here and where is the other egg?"  He replies, "Oh, I ate one egg".  I said, "But what's my egg doing sitting in this pot, filled with this crap?  He replies, "Oh, I cleaned out  my espresso machine!"   Now, I know there is a hard shell surrounding and protecting my egg from this trash, but WHO does this?   And so, the mini argument commences........

1 comment:

  1. Someone who possesses wonderful qualities (timer's off/cold water in the pot/helpful and thoughtful) but limited co-habitational awareness! One of MY personal favorites ... when apple peels are thrown in with the recyclables (we are not composting, for god's sake.)
